Nothing fades into
Obscurity, you see, it
Shows from time to time.
So in the course of writing my post earlier this week, I definitely spaced a couple of pretty exciting things!
1) Richard Dawkins, a man who is probably the biggest fan of Darwin alive today, came to IU to speak about his new book and give amusing answers to creationist- and Intelligent Design-related questions.
- Q: Do you believe there is any sort of evidence for a creationist or ID sort of theory?
A: No, next question. - Q: What sort of evidence would you be willing to accept for such a theory?
A: Well, if the creator were to ride down on a flaming chariot from the sky...
2) One of IU's professors in the economics department became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Economics! That's pretty exciting! That story came on the coattails of the much-discussed Obama Nobel Peace Prize. I'm still not sure about that one...
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